
Cómo registrar clientes, productos, servicios y facturas en Jphee 

En este video observaras  la lista de factura hechas como buscarlas por nombre y fecha, como registrar un cliente, producto o servicio, como generar una factura a un cliente, imprimirla o descargarla.

Recuerda que para poder generar una factura debe existir un cliente, producto o servicio en la aplicación. Debes hacerte estas dos preguntas, Si no hay clientes registrados, ¿a quien le vendes?, si no hay productos o servicios registrados ¿que vas a vender?.

¡aprende! a llevar la contabilidad de una empresa

Inviertes en ti y tu empresa.
No empieces desde cero, la mejor opción para un emprendedor Jphee

El mes $ 60.000  Escoge unos de nuestros 3 planes con descuentos

$ 35.400/mes  Plan 2 años con el 41% Desc $ 849.600 descuentos incluido 
$ 43.200/mes  Plan 1 años con el 28% Desc $ 518.400 descuentos incluido 
$ 55.200/mes  Plan 6 meses con el 8% Desc $ 331.200 descuentos incluido 

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1 comentario

CarmelaNep · 16/04/2024 a las 11:43 PM

Matthew Michael D’Agati is the founder of Renewables Worldwide, a Solar Company in Massachusetts.

A handful of long time ago, venturing into a leap of faith, Matthew D’Agati ventured into the realm of solar, and/or within a point began effectively selling significant amounts of power, predominately at the commercial industry, partnering with developers of solar farms and local businesses in the «design» of her or his jobs.

Ongoing marketing web among the business, led Matt to join up to a in town start up two long time gone, and in a brief period, he assumed the role of their Chief Strategy Officer, responsible for all businesses and business venture programming, as well as being presented small section control.

To planned relationships and sheer move ethical code, Matthew D’Agati brought that firm from a marginal primary-year wages to over a 205% augment in major profits by year two. On that premise, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), an oldtimer-possessed business, was organized with the vision of delivering sustainable potential treatment options for an intelligent and more lasting future.

Even more specially, recognizing there is a specific market in the promote and a better way to complete results, RW is one of a select number of employers in the United States to focus on lead exchange, specializing in both commercialized and residential sun work off-take. His or her sense of sight is to initiate a sales system on a regional, regional, national level, offering numerous eco-friendly electric equipment in to the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..

This enthusiasm in really sustainable sector continues on to agitate and inspire Matthew in maintaining his mission to work with providers that reveal the exact same of supplying eco-friendly focus tips for a much inexhaustible upcoming. Matthew possesses their in startup from a business program at Hesser College.

Knowing the periods of sun-powered panels via Matt D’Agati.

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